Giving is not a budget question but a heart question. Scripture is clear that we are to give within our means (2 Corinthians 8:12), and also to give in response to God's immeasurable gift to us of His Son (2 Corinthians 8:9). We are called, then, to be sacrificial in our giving, as God has been to us. Often this is not easy, and requires us to continually seek God's will for our finances and obey His leading.
In your own walk with God, as you determine your giving, we want you to know that we continually pursue transparency, accountability, integrity, and excellence in stewarding the resources entrusted to us.
Each year, with the input of our ministry leaders, metrics from present and past performance, and much prayer, we present a budget to the congregation for review, questions, and approval. The budget is a reflection of our mission to develop followers of Jesus Christ, and the plans we prepare to enact that mission.
Read on to learn how and where you can give.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].
Ways to Give at The Bible Chapel
IN THE SERVICE: You can make your gifts in person using cash or check.
BY MAIL: You can make checks payable to The Bible Chapel, and mail them to 300 Gallery Drive, McMurray, PA, 15317. Please indicate your campus in the memo line.
BY ONLINE BILL PAY: You can give via automatic recurring bill payments through your bank, if it offers this service.
THROUGH REALM*: With a Realm account, you can give via e-check, set up recurring donations, and view your giving history.
*Realm giving is not available for the DeBary Campus. Give to the DeBary Campus here.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].
Funds to Which You Can Give
As a non-denominational, independent Christian church, The Bible Chapel does not receive financial support from a governing entity. Your generosity is vital to maintaining and improving our standard of excellence in service to Jesus Christ. We are thankful to you. We have various funds to which you can give.
THE GENERAL FUNDS (ROBINSON, ROSTRAVER, SOUTH HILLS, WASHINGTON, AND WILKINSBURG CAMPUSES): The general funds are critical in the day-to-day operations and management of The Bible Chapel. Your gift to these funds directly impacts the campuses and enables us to minister to our members and attendees.
SPECIAL FUNDS: We maintain a few special funds to address unforeseen needs or special circumstances when they occur. For example, our Mercy Fund, managed by our Care Giving Ministry, extends short-term help to congregants in an extreme financial crisis.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]
Stock Donations
The Bible Chapel accepts gifts in kind, such as donations of equipment, materials, and supplies that provide relief to our operating budget and align with current priorities.
We also accept gifts of stocks and bonds.
For a broker-to-broker stock gift, please give the following information to the firm transferring the stock*:
Account title of receiving firm: FBO South Hills Bible Chapel
Account #: 3051-1545
DTC#: 0075
Clearing Firm: LPL Financial LLC
Account Services Address: BenchMark Wealth Management, 1800 Main Street, Suite 210
Canonsburg, PA 15317
Attn: Robert O’Korn
Phone: (724) 743-7900
Cell Phone: (412) 427-8974
Fax: (724) 299-3113
This information is for Bible Chapel donations only.
Please email [email protected] for The Journey or The Endurance Foundation donations or any other questions.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].
The Endurance Foundation
The Endurance Foundation is an organization that uses planned giving principles to enable people in all stages of their lives to play a larger role in kingdom-building.
Through The Endurance Foundation, you can come alongside The Bible Chapel in our mission to develop followers of Jesus Christ, and contribute to this mission in significant and tangible ways that multiply over generations.
If you are ready to make a bigger impact for Christ, The Endurance Foundation can help make that happen. Planned giving enables you to ask yourself what kind of impact you want to make over your lifetime, rather than just over this year. Through planned giving, you can contribute to the church and its mission as part of your long-term financial planning.
Planned giving:
- Is not limited by your current assets
- Grows and increases its influence over time
- Focuses on causes you care about
- Can help you care for your family
- Expands to encompass emerging causes or needs
- Endures for decades or more