Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog
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This morning's devotional was about Christians arming themselves for spiritual battles (Ephesians 6:10-20). The group's discussion focused our attention towards our plan of attack, to demonstrate the light of Jesus to the campers. As the campers arrived, they were greeted with a roaring crowd and praise music.
The Consejera or camp counselors did an amazing job. It's hard to express how many smiles there were. After the campers arrived we divided them into cabins and during the first couple hours we simply just tried to get to know each other. Shortly after we settled the campers into their cabins and bunk beds, we ate lunch, and then it was off to swim and take turns riding the zip line. Following those outdoor activities, the campers gathered to eat and hear the gospel. Their hearts were tender and truly all of them sat there fully attentive to the message. Lights out again at 11 however this time the kids have arrived!
All their energy and excitement meant they were all asleep by 10!! Praise God for a great day and very eager for tomorrow.