Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog
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Serve Hard, Love Fully, Smile Alot
Today, after breakfast, John Zanker led our devotion. We then went back to work. John, Luke, and Nick continued working on leveling the ground to get it ready for concrete. They used shovels and a wheel barrow to move dirt then mix concrete. They were able to do about three quarters of the concrete floor today. Unfortunately, their hands started to blister.
Brad and Jordan continued painting the chain link fence. Jordan was happy not to get as much paint on himself today. Yesterday he was joking by saying that he got more paint on himself than on the fence.
Glenn and I went to work at the shop. Our job was to sand and prime the steel that will be used to make the structure for the roof extension. Just about lunch, we finished priming the steel beams.
We then moved on to help Juan, Jorge, and Juanpi to dig the holes where the steel beams will rest for the roof structure. The dirt was so hard because it hasn’t rained. We would put water in each hole to soften the dirt to make it easier to dig. I praise God for guiding my digging. I was using a steel pick to dig and I was very close to breaking the main water line for the whole camp. Ruben was very thankful I didn’t give him more work too!!!!
Jon Fowler is very happy with our progress. He told us that he didn’t expect us to work on the roof during this trip. He thought we were only going to have enough time to do the removal of the doors and the concrete work by the pool. We are praising God for the progress so far. We also are thankful for His protection. We have only had minor scratches. We have stayed healthy too.
Through a series of very fortunate blessings, John Fowler recieved a donation of 4 long range WiFi mesh repaters, about a week ago. The dream is to light up WiFi in some of the dorms that will be used for Word Of Life Bible Institute Students. This opens up many doors for both the students to practice their vocation and bless the kids and staff at the camp with their friendship and sharing the gospel. The only problem is, nobody really understands how this stuff works. This is where Bill comes in, he called a few of his network engineering work friends at Dick's Sporting Goods and used facetime to draw out a design, reviewed the documentation, and through John Fowler saying an extra prayer, it's working! Now we just need to mount it. Stay tuned for our next blog post :)
Tonight we had the opportunity to hear the testimony of several WOL staff and missionaries. It’s amazing to see and hear the impact that God has had in the lives of so many people throughout the 30 years of this ministry.
So many lives have been transformed. It is very especial for all 8 of us to be a part of what God is doing here. We are very thankful to our supporters for having sent us and for praying for us.