Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog
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March 22nd, also known as the day Matthew was born (22 years ago!). What better way to celebrate your birthday than serving God with some of your friends (and eating Hungarian delicacies…)!
We started our day by heading off in our groups to five new schools. Today, we had about five classes per group and an average of 15-20 students per class! Who needs math, but that seems like a lot of students we were able to reach! It is so cool being able to talk to the students and see them engage with us and ask us questions. We had quite a few of them interested in coming to Gönczy and the English camp this summer. One teacher told us that a girl that really never speaks in class was participating and very engaged the entire time. Besides talking to the students, we also had some opportunities to speak to the teachers. Some of them seemed more excited than the students that we were there!
After school today, we had half of our team go out for random evangelizing. When they were paired with a Hungarian missionary, they went to the universities to find anyone who would talk to them. Something that makes talking to random strangers easier, at least, is how genuinely open most of them are to talking to us. In America, most of us would brush off someone coming up to us in the street asking for 10-15 minutes of our time, thinking they were most likely someone selling us a product or their religion. Here, they don’t mind talking about what they believe or don’t believe in and don’t take any offense to us asking them. Ricky, one of our first-year team members, went for his first time today and was super excited about the day after! He said, “Today I had the opportunity to do random evangelism with a local Hungarian missionary named Joseph (pronounced and probably spelled differently). We walked to a library park in downtown Budapest which is a popular hangout spot for university students. We talked to two different groups of students, asking them survey questions about life and their thoughts/opinions about God. They all had very interesting thoughts and the conversations were wonderful. I really think we planted some seeds for Christ and gave them something to think about.” Although it’s not comfortable for us, the common consensus is that once we actually do random evangelizing, we are so glad we did.. and it actually was not as scary as we were making it to be in our minds.
Please pray for the connections we made here already and for them to be able to grow through the help of the Hungarian missionaries once we leave and that a lasting impact is taking place for God’s kingdom.
Our Hungarian word of the day is szerelem which means “love”.