Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog
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Naomi, Darleen, Becky, and Felicity did a story, song, craft, and snack to tell the story of Daniel in the lion's den. A child’s lion-themed snack is pictured below! We did exercises and movement “brain breaks” with the children. Finally, we prayed over the children and the classroom with the teacher.
In the afternoon, the men continued painting the sensory room a beautiful pale blue. The women did a teacher training for preschool teachers, emphasizing classroom behavioral management techniques and sensory room equipment applications.
May 23
9:10 PM
Greetings from Jarabacoa! We woke up bright and early to serve in the Kids Alive school at Palo Blanco. After touring the pre-K, elementary, middle, and high school facilities, we divided into two groups. Christian, Dilo, Brad, and Glenn (from left to right) painted the first coat of the sensory room to prepare for our construction later in the week.

Together, after school hours, we toured a neighborhood in Palo Blanco and greeted and chatted with many of the local people.

We finished the night with a traditional Dominican dinner and then, in the evening, a shopping trip to the local fruit stand! Thank you, Bible Chapel family, for the continued prayers and support of our ministry in the Dominican. We had a wonderful, service-filled, first full day here.
Blessings from your friends in the DR,
Naomi, Glenn, Dilo, Darlene, Brad, Becky, Felicity, and Christian