Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog
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Conference Wrap-up
The morning opened with a sweet time in worship. The worship was in Spanish, but a lot of the praise songs were well-known by our team so we were able to partake in praise in English.
We had one last conference session under Cheryl’s teaching followed by an open mic from the attendees. They came forward and shared from their hearts how the conference impacted them for God. Bianca stayed at the table with our team and translated what was being shared.
We heard how the Lord used Cheryl’s teaching and the team’s testimonies to encourage them in the LORD.
As one team member said “Satan isn’t creative he uses the same schemes everywhere on all people”
The Lord showed us how HE uses our story to help other people know of HIS grace and love.
Our experience lets others know they are not alone in their hardships and struggles. We can help others experience forgiveness and healing when we are obedient in sharing our story.
In the evening, we had the opportunity to attend a good old-fashioned pool party with the entire missionary team. We had so much fun while we spent time with them listening to their stories and hearing about the work they do. Not to mention a great time in the pool and amazing food for all!
Watching the team all have fun together was very sweet. The way they care for one another is just so beautiful. The children of the missionaries have so many people who love them, and they are surrounded by so many godly examples of how to live a life following hard after God. We were honored to be a part of such a special time with the team and we were treated like one of them!!!
It’s hard to believe our time here is wrapping up. It has been a giant blessing to us all!