Bible Chapel Mission Trip Blog
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Day Five in Hungary.
We finished the last of the school visits today. Each team had about 6 classes each and although it was very fun and fulfilling, we were all struggling towards the end. Because it was our last day, the teachers combined some classes because all of the teachers wanted their class to have a slot with us and we didn’t have enough people or time for everyone. This was incredible and it also meant that we were in classes of around 30 students per session. So many kids were reached today and we can’t wait to see them show up Friday and continue to develop the connections we started this week. We learned a lot this week through being there and Amber said she was even corrected on her spelling of some English words by the teachers!
After school, Gabi’s wife Mara (missionaries Bible Chapel supports) and Amber went random evangelizing together around Budapest. Amber said they had a meaningful connection with a woman they met and were able to talk to her. Amber said, “We went street evangelizing where we would engage with people by asking them to take a short survey. This one woman, in particular, took the survey then was talking to us after. Mara then asked if the woman would be willing to hear more about what we believe so she explained the gospel for the women, in Hungarian! Mara and I then prayed with the woman and after she told me that she really needed that conversation today and was excited to possibly attend a Bible study Mara offered. She also said that she had never thought about sin separating us from God, and that was something she took away from our conversation! The woman had a Roman Catholic background and was very open to the conversation! We exchanged contact information and am excited to keep talking to her.
We finished out our night with a “Hungarian culture night” where Gabi took us to a Hungarian restaurant where we enjoyed some delicious food. (although I say that about all the food in Hungary) It was a great night of food and fellowship with each other. We went around the room getting to know each other more and ended up sharing some of our testimonies. As some of the missionary team members from “Crew” shared about themselves, you could see how much God has changed and impacted their lives. We also learned that Gabi has saved two people from drowning when he was a lifeguard!! Ironic that now he is trying to help save people from “spiritual drowning.” (I tried to tie it all together…it’s been a long day) We are all off to early bedtimes again as tomorrow starts our big event day!!
Please continue to pray that students show up tomorrow at Gönczy tomorrow and that God is already preparing their hearts to be open to His love. Please also pray for the women Mara and Amber talked to today that she would go to Mara’s Bible study and realize her need for a Savior.
Today’s Hungarian word of the day is…*drum roll* “alvásra van szüksége” which means “need sleep” because that is what our team needs right now.